The new due diligence requirements for imported wood-based products comes into effect on 30 November 2014. This new requirement relates to most timber and wood-based products such as sawn timber, veneer, moldings, wood panels, plywood, pulp, paper products and wooden products.
Importers should be arranging their processes to confirm that they will comply with these new requirements. This is particularly relevant if you are thinking of ordering timber or paper products of Chapters 44, 47, 48 or 94 that will arrive in Australia after this 30 November, 2014.
Due diligence can be summarized as a four-step process
- Gathering information about the timber or timber product you are importing
- If appropriate, using a Timber Legality Framework or Country Specific Guideline to help inform your decision making.
- Assessing the risk the timber or timber product you are importing has been illegally logged
- Where necessary, undertaking extra steps to reduce the risk the timber you are importing has been illegally logged.
Details as per below DAFF link:
While the due diligence requirements are not scheduled to come into effect until 30 November 2014, you should be starting to think about how you will comply with the new arrangements.
From 30 November 2014, importers of regulated timber products will be asked to make a declaration to Customs about their compliance with their due diligence obligations. This will be in the form of a Community Protection Question on the full import declaration form.
You will need to answer the Community Protection Question honestly. Answering ‘no’ to the question will not lead to your timber products being held up at the border. However, it may lead to further questions from the department and follow up action.