As you may be aware there has been a recent policy change of the major shipping lines into Australia with lines now directing empty containers to be de-hired directly to the stevedore terminals rather than the Empty Container Parks. Whilst this may result in a saving to each shipping line, it will significantly increase the handling costs for transport companies operating at the wharf.
Procedure has dictated in the past that empties are to be de-hired at dedicated Empty Container Depots whose sole purpose is to unload, survey, clean and/or repair if required and then release for export bookings. At its peak around 40% of these containers are transferred to the terminal to be exported empty at the shipping lines expense.
This direction will remove much needed flexibility around the return of empties, as well as the increase possibility of waiting time which is not normally seen at empty de-hire yards. At the moment there is no need to pre-book the delivery of empty containers to De-Hire parks, whilst Direct to Terminal De-Hires do require a time slot. This will place additional pressure on the supply chain, along with the danger of exceeding the carriers free time hire of the container.
At this stage we have been advised to expect a “Direct to Terminal De-hire” Charge of anywhere between $60.00 – $110.00 per container + GST. The de-hire location will be determined at the time of import on the delivery order, and we will endeavour to have any extra costs issued on our initial invoice.
Further reading from the Container Transport Alliance Australia can be found here.
Over the coming months ICAL Management will be closely monitoring the situation and supporting those carriers who are offering us the opportunity to de-hire at the dedicated empty yards
As always if you have any questions or would like to discuss further, please contact Nicholas Watts on 1300 00 4225 or email