China Market Update Important Notice regarding the current situation in China Due to a recent spell of Typhoons, China’s coastal areas have been under frequent attack from bad weather, causing delays and a flow on effect of congestion around all ports in China. In order to avoid further delays, all shipping lines are now suspending or delaying subsequent voyages, which will impact rates and space availability over the coming months. If the situation worsens, we expect vessels will be reduced, however cargo volume will remain the same, providing an opportunity for all carriers to increase rates. If this plays out as expected, we anticipate another increase to freight rates on September 1. Recent reports from Shenzhen wharf as of today August 20th, show Typhoon Higos arriving in Guangdong area this weekend and placing more stress on the ports in the area . At this stage we ask if you have any upcoming orders, please let us know as early as possible so we can secure space, and where possible, please allow an extra 1-2 weeks to prepare for delays, especially for transhipped cargo through South East Asia. |
Seasonal Measures for the upoming Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) Risk Season The 2020-21 BMSB season will be in effect for goods shipped from 1 September 2020 that arrive in Australia prior to 31 May 2021 (inclusive). Apart from the addition of Portugal, Ukraine, Moldova and Kazakhstan to the list of target risk countries, the measures remain consistent with the previous 2019-2020 risk season. The department will also continue to review the BMSB risk status of countries by way of random onshore inspection. The following countries have been identified as emerging risk countries and are subect to the review: Belarus, Denmark, Ireland, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom and Chile. For further information, please see the below website link to read the latest updates issued by the department of agriculture. |